tools & software.

A curated list of best-in-class resources & tools to help you build, grow, and operate your community!

πŸ’¬ β€” Community, Chat

These are general purpose community and/or chat platforms.

β›” β€” Membership Tools

Here are a list of tools and platforms to sell subscriptions and manage recurring membership for communities.

πŸ“† β€” Event Management

A list of experience and event management tools that can help you curate, manage, engage, and operate online events & experiences.

πŸ—£ β€” Forums

Forum-centric software still very much powers the internet! Here are some tools to get you started.

πŸ“Ή β€” Video / Voice

Video and voice tools to help your community feel closer.

πŸ“· β€” Images

Photo and graphic resources to create, edit and publish images for your community platforms.

πŸ“š β€” Books

Books that will inspire, encourage, and help you build communities that you’re super-proud of.

🎀 β€” Podcasts

Trusted community voices over the digital airwaves.

βœ‰οΈ β€” Newsletters

Time-tested newsletters from Community Thought Leaders.

πŸ“ˆ β€” Social Media

Tools to manage the social media flood.

βš™οΈ β€” Creator Ops

Tools to manage your world / biz as a creator:

πŸ’Έ β€” Creator Communities

Communities (free and paid) specifically geared towards helping creators build, grow, and manage communities:

πŸ’° β€” Venture Capital

VC firms that invest in community-first / PLC startups.

πŸ“™ β€” Workflows, Playbooks

Playbooks for building and managing communities.